Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We Are FamiLEE

So we always thought that motto for our high school was so cheesy, but this week it has taken over a whole new meaning. The bus wreck on I-565 was a bus from our precious Lee High School (which my little sister still attends) is like a nightmare. I still can't believe it. It was literally half a mile away from my house. When I first got a call from Naomi about the wreck, all I could think about was - where is Kala? I didn't know if maybe she had a field trip that day or any of the details of the wreck. Luckily, as soon as I heard a news report I found out it was a bus going to the tech school, which she doesn't go to.

I've gotten the inside scoop from Kala about what school was like that day and these days after. I couldn't help but tear up when she told me about all the praying going on at school, how it's brought them all together, and how helpful and caring the whole city has been. Let's face it, Lee has never been Huntsville's pride and joy. Another high school is even selling blue ribbons (our school color) for .50 to raise money for the families involved. My heart is broken for the victims and their families. I can't imagine being Kala, and the rest of the student body...and have actually known the kids involved. I can't believe anybody even walked away from the crash. Kala talked to a boy at school who, as the bus was teeter-tottering off the interstate, found his way to the middle. He walked away with out any scratches. One of the girls that died was pregnant, and had already survived being shot in the face two years ago. She had only come back to school this semester, because she wanted to attend school her senior year. It's just so tragic, this time it hit so close to home. I will pass by the site on the way home tomorrow. My heart goes out to the bus driver and the driver of that orange celica. I can't imagine what they are going to have to live with.

As hard as it is to comprehend, God had a reason for all of this. He was on that bus when it happened. Kala said she's already seen the school unite like never before. It has definately brought everyone together. It's definately a reminder of how precious life is. I've heard the story behind each of the students involved. So what story will I leave behind one day?

Here is prayer that has been circulating on myspace from one of the students, I found it uplifting and touching:
"Lord I come to you as humble as I know how!!!! Lord I know that there is a reason for everything, so I ask God that you let your will be done! God you have called some away from this earth Lord and we ask that you have mercy on their souls God. Lord, as for the ones in the hospital now, we ask that you help them in their fight for life! Jesus help us to realize that life is too short to put you second, Life is too short to waste it on foolish things, Life is too short to hold on to grudges, and life is too short to do the things that we know are wrong. Father I ask that you help the families at this time! Let them know that weeping may endure for a night, but joy is going to come in the morning. God please touch every friend and family member and let them know that only your will, willl be done! They need you now more than ever. They have a pain that only Dr. Jesus can heal. Please heal them Lord, and bring them close to you. Lord I love you, and I thank you for letting me live through another day. That could've been me, and you gave me another chance at life! God I thank you, and I will praise your holy name always! AMEN"