Tuesday, July 31, 2007

It's Been A Long Time. I Shouldn't Have Left You, Without A Dope Beat to Step To

Well let's see how long it takes someone to find this one. I really wish I had updated this thing regularly, cause I have had an awesome year. Has it really been almost seven months since I've had a post? This year has flown by!

I don't really have anything interesting to write about. Just kinda wanted to write something just so I could say that I did. haha. One thought though -- How can it be that I am 23 years old...and I am addicted to watching Hannah Montana? Seriously. Everyday when I get home from work I watch at least an hour or more worth of Hannah Montana. I get so excited when it's on. I guess it's a girl thing. Maybe we are all still little girls at heart. I definately don't feel 23, and I know I dont look it. haha. I hope I stay young inside for a long time. What's even sadder...I am actually really bummed that I dont get to watch High School Musical 2 when it comes out on Friday cause I have to go to a company picnic. Wow I can't believe I admitted that. But, I have been looking forward to the company picnic all summer. The firm gets cabins at Doublehead for all of us Friday night, and they rent boats and we get to play on the water all day Saturday. It should be fun. I love all the people I work with. In the last year or so they have hired a lot of young people and we are a small firm anyways - around 25 people. So we have a good group. That's gonna be hard to give up if I move to Nashville one day. However, the whole public accounting profession will not be hard to give up. It's fine for right now, but it's not a lifestyle I could have while I'm married and have a family. January - April is pretty much non-existent.

Which brings me to another subject. A few weeks ago I had a minor freak out and realized that i HAD to start grad school this fall. So I rushed and took the g-mat with literally like only 3 hours of studying and applied for UAH. So school starts on the 20th, but I haven't actually gotten accepted or registered yet. So we'll see how that goes. I know UAH hasn't gotten my g-mat results yet cause it takes 3 weeks. So I gotta work on that situation. It's definately on my 'to do' list this week. I'm hoping I can just bring my copy of my scores to them, and they'll count that for now. I'm not extremely excited about going back to school already, or paying for it....but I need to go ahead and start. I'm 22 hours short of being able to sit for the CPA exam. And I only want to take one class in the spring cause of tax season. So if I don't go ahead and get some hours under my belt...it could take awhile. And let's face it, I don't have much going most evenings during the week. I'm kinda ready for something to occupy my time.

Well that's where I am right now. Sorry that this was just about work and boring stuff. :( Maybe I'll have a more interesting one later.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Wow, it's been so long since I've gotten on here that it took me 3 tries to get my username and password right.

Well yesterday was an exciting day for me. I started off the day with Psalm 143:8 being my prayer:
"Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I
have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul."

I have just been so stressed out lately -- and way over emotional -- for no reason. I mean I've got it made right now. I'm living at home with no bills to pay or anything. But the whole job-search thing has just really had me down for some reason. I hate the uncertainty of it all...and also trying to figure out my plans for the future. Jason's got a good job in Nashville now, and I want to be living up there too...but I need to stay here and get a job here to save money for awhile. But then I worry about things like -- How am I gonna get to Nashville eventually if I get a job here that I like? Jason can't move here, cause he's got a good job there, and really wants to work with the music industry. blah, blah, blah all the kind of stuff. Then I realize, whoa we are not even engaged yet! I just try so hard to plan all this stuff myself. God has to constantly remind me that it's not my plans or my timing - it's his. I just have to sit back and listen and let him do his works. It still kills me to not have control over it, but I'm learning!

Anyways, ya know everyone's been telling me "it's easier to get a job, when you have a job". Well for about the past 2 weeks I've been working part-time for the Huntsville Rotary Club (I've really enjoyed it, I could definately get used to this part-time thing). But it is just to keep the cash flow going while I'm job searching. On my second day of working there, I all the sudden get 2 calls for interviews. Fast forward a week...I get a job offer from a CPA firm here...and a really good lead on an accounting job for Mitchell's Plastics...plus i get a letter from the State of Tennessee saying that I qualify to sit for a mandatory exam for an auditing position...all in one day!! So tomorrow I am calling to accept the offer from the CPA firm. So I will be an official employee of Anglin, Reichmann, Snellgrove and Armstrong, P.C.! Yay!