Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Well Megan told me to get one of these...so apparently I listen to everything she says! I swore I'd never be a "blogger", but here I go. I figure it will atleast be a good way to keep up with what everyone is doing over the summer. Right? Right! Plus she said this way we wont have to talk to each other...whew what a relief!! (Megan you know I'm kidding...call us soon!) So...the most exciting thing so far this summer was the Road Trip! From Florence, Al to Los Angeles, CA. 4 girls, 4 guys, 3 cars, 10 states, 6 days, 6 ipods, 225 sour punch straws, and a theme song for every state (well, 6 or 7 for California!). We got to see the Grand Canyon, and stay in Las Vegas and LA! We also saw approximately 7 fanny packs, and some black sheep (right Jason?), and probably every gas station west of the Mississippi. Anyways, we are now settled safely in Orange Beach where we will be for 4 weeks. We are interning for First Baptist Orange Beach. By we, I mean me and Lauren of course. These first two weeks we are setting up for Camp OB Outfitters. As it is referred to around here, it is vacation bible school on steroids. Instead of the usual schedule it is 2 weeks, 8 hours a day. I was told yesterday that I will be responsible for a class of third graders in the morning. I'm a little bit nervous about that, because it is a 85 minute lesson every day for 2 weeks, and I haven't even gotten my curriculum yet. Mrs. Wanda (the pastor's wife, she is basically our boss) told us to spend 2 hours a day planning the lessons until camp starts. Thats more than I study for school!! On top of that, me and Laura Casey are doing a Cafe type track time in the afternoons. We have to come up with food for the kids to bake and be crafty with for 10 days, 3 or 4 big groups a day!! If you know me or Laura, you know that is quite funny! So needless to say, I'm a bit overwhelmed. Its alot more work than I remembered. But more on that later. We are about to run to Wal-Mart and get some supplies.

1 comment:

megan stout said...

yay lindsey! i love you! i like that part with all the numbers of the trip...very nice ;)
i miss you guys so much! but at least the weather is nice here :) i'll call you guys soon!!