Thursday, October 05, 2006

Yeah We Divas, But We Ride Like Big Boys Do

Well I think the stress from knowing that I have a 40 page industry analysis (dont worry, it's a group project) due Tuesday that I (nor anyone in my group) have yet to start is making me crazy...

This is gonna sound stupid, but hey, yall asked for an update so you're gonna get one. Last night in the library, I got stuck on the second floor. And my mind (after studying for a huge test in the same class the paper is due in) just felt like mush and I wandered around aimlessly not knowing what to do. See, one of the elevators got stuck on the second floor and the door was wide open and all the buttons were pushed but it was just chillin. So I kept pushing the button for the other elevator, and I could hear it going past my floor but it wouldn't stop because the other elevator was stopped on my floor. No big deal, fatty will just have to take the stairs. Well the door to the stairs was locked because of all the construction work. But then I remembered that there was another set of stairs on the adjacent wall. So I flipped and flopped all the way to those stairs. Well there was a big sign that said "under construction, please use the staircase on the southside of the building". So I be-bopped on to the southside. There I found a sign that said "Do not open door, alarm will sound". So yep, I was stuck with no way to get off the second floor. I couldn't even think of what to do...find a way to get to the third floor?...and the only person around to ask was a japanese kid with headphones on playing a game on the computer. So I just sat there dumbfounded and in a daze cause by this time it was really late and my brain was shut down. Eventually (okay it was like 5 minutes) someone on the elevator had to get off on the second floor and I was free!!

Then when I finally fell into bed at about 2:30 am, my lights were all out, and my covers were perfect and I was all snuggled up comfortably in my bed. Right when I almost drifted off to sleep...I heard a scratching noise. It was coming from the floor and sounded like it was against my bed. I thought it was just my imagination, and was really too tired to move or care so I tried to doze off. Well it started again and it kept on, and kept on, and I just kept thinking about a rat or something and I got scared. So I grabbed my pillow and was headed to Lauren's room to jump in the bed with her. When I turned on my lamp, low and behold there it was, a huge rat! So I screamed! Sorry if I woke you Megan, I know Lauren's sleepin self didn't hear a thing. Then once I calmed down and got brave enough to examine the situation, I realized it was that dang rat I bought to scare Naomi from the $1 spot at Target. Guess it backfired on me. That filthy rat that Jason and Naomi entertained themselves with for hours upon hours by throwing it into the ceiling fan and letting it wall at high speeds. I originally said it was the best $1 I've ever spent since it proved to be so amusing, but I was wrong! That sucker is getting packed up and shipped to Nashville to surprise Jason. Oh well, I'm still not sure what the scratching was, I just hope it doesn't resume tonight. I'm headin that way now. Sorry bout the pointless update, but thats what ya get when your brain is full of mush (from school and twenty 3 and 4 year olds working your every nerve). I'm an idiot and crazy in the head. Goodnight!

1 comment:

megan stout said...

hahahah thats funny!!! the rat you bought to scare naomi scared you...oh the irony ;)