Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture

Sisterly love. I've got some hot racoon eyes going on, thanks to my sunglasses.As my dad put it: "All the honey's on the boat". haha

Megan, Lauren, Kala, Harmony and Naomi Me and Megan
Joanna and Dorothy catchin' some rays.
Me and Megan again.

Yay. It finally worked. I'm just sitting here patiently waiting for "So You Think You Can Dance" to come on. Jessica is coming over to watch it. Travis better freakin win. She's pulling for Benji, but Travis is obviously the better choice! He's so cute, and he is much better technical dancer. Benji is just all show, cause he's a good performer. I like him too though, Travis just deserves to win. There is no genre he can't do! My girl, Allison, got kicked off a few weeks ago, so i dont really care about the girls anymore.

I have to go to work early at the daycare tomorrow. Boo! But they needed extra help, so Lauren is gonna take my usual shift. So we will get to work together, that should be funny!!

I need to get my hair cut. It is getting disgustingly long. ohhh. I think I am going to see "Talledega Nights" tonight. Yay!! I hope it's as funny as it looks like it is. I'm afraid it may be one of those movies that just has all the funny parts in the preview. But I've heard good things about it. Well that's it for now. We helped Amy move stuff in all day, so I think I'm gonna go relax before Jessica gets here.


megan stout said...

thanks for letting me come to the river with you guys! i look nasty in those pics! thanks for putting them up

michellemitch said...

I am now officially reading your blog... congratulations? maybe not so much...

but hey, looks like a good time at the river :)