Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Five Little Pumpkins Sitting On A Gate..

"Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." - Mean Girls

Haha, I love that quote. It's so true. Too bad I opted not to dress up this year. I'm always too lazy to think of a good costume. I think the last good costume I had was when I was Miss. Piggy in like first grade! That was awesome. Although me, Lauren and Naomi did make some hot Power Puff Girls senior year of high school. Maybe next time I should get some ideas from kids. The kids at the daycare had plenty of ideas today.

"Miss Lindsey you should be a earring."
"No, you should be a princess....or a castle!"
"I know, you can be Spiderman!"
"You could be a birfday cake!"
"Be a huntin' man!"
"You wanna be a unicorn?"

I'm gonna miss those crazy kids. I decided I should just be a doughnut, cause everytime I wear my Krispy Kreme shirt (it has a girl doughnut, and a boy doughnut holding hands on it)...they say "Miss Lindsey, dat's you on your tee-shirt? I like your high heels on dat shirt. Who is dat udder doughnut? Dat your friend? No silly, it's miz lindsey too!" So apparently I look like a doughnut. That's hot!


megan stout said...

i think you should be a huntin man. definitely a huntin man.

michellemitch said...

doughnut? well, you are what you eat :) I'd be a doughnut if we had a Krispy Kreme is this boondock town.