Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Spittin That Booty Chedda

Well Megan is definately outdoing me on the updates. I dont have much to update on...right now I'm sitting here waiting for "So You Think You Can Dance" to come on. My Wednesday and Thursday nights definately revolve around this show. This week is Handy Fest - the only time Florence comes alive. I think that should be their motto. We went and saw Leigh dance with her hip-hop class. It was pretty hot (the dance, not the temperature, although it was extremely hot that night too)! There was a group from Huntsville's Boys and Girls Club that danced too. They were awesome! I could've watched them ALL night. H-town representin' at it's finest. haha Last night we went and saw 17th Floor at Texas Roadhouse. They had a street party. 17th Floor is always a good time! Later tonight Naomi and I might try to catch Gary Nichols at Sidepockets. Then tomorrow night is Ugli Stick at Big Ed's. Megan, if you were here, we could go hear "Off The Chain", haha, remember when we all went to the westside last year to find them and then left cause we were definately, ummm...out of place.

Justin Timberlake's new song is out now. I must say I had set my expectations too high. It's okay, it'll still be fun to dance to. The more I hear it, the more I like it. His voice is all digital sounding and stuff. His voice is too good to be messing it up like that.

The sermon at church on Sunday was really good. It made me realize how selfish I am. I'm always so concerned about my own problems and whether or not I'm in God's will, and all the usual - good stuff to be focused on of course....but I forget about everyone else. So God really opened my eyes and pointed out people in my life, even that I associate with everyday, that I should be ministering to, and showing His love to. I'm gonna work on that.

ohhh. I finally saw "Dead Man's Chest". Probably not as good as the first, but I'm no movie guru (let's face it, I'm doing real good to stay awake through any movie, so if I manage to stay awake, it's good). It was entertaining enough. It's not as good as "Superman Returns" though. I loved that movie! I also saw "Madea's Family Reunion". It was so funny. Anything by Tyler Perry is hilarious! He has a book out now that I think I'm gonna buy. Well, Rick's and "So You Think You Can Dance" are callin my name. Holla atcha girl!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Inside Peanut Butta, Outside Jelly

This weekend I went to the mountains with Jason and his family. You know you are from Alabama when you say the "the mountains" and everyone automatically knows you mean Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge. Anyways, it was lots of fun. I've been like 10 times, but probably atleast 8 of those times was with a church group so I got to see alot of things this weekend that we were never able to see. We left as soon as I got off work Friday and got there about midnight Friday night.

Then Saturday morning, me, Jason and his mom went to the outlets and shopped. I didn't buy anything because I am a poor kid now. Then Saturday night we all went to the Dixie Stampede, which is something I have always wanted to do. It was cool. They give you all kinds of food and you can only eat it with your hands. Everyone sits in a big arena and a show is going on throughout the meal. There is a north side and and a south side, and the whole time there is a rivalry between the two. Unfortunately we had to sit on the north side. There were ostrich races, pig races, barrel races, and all kinds of dancing and magic tricks and all that sorta thing. It made me wanna go to a rodeo. Then we road the trolley up to Gatlinburg and walked down the main strip. Me and Jason did a pretty cool mirror maze. Then it was back to the cabin.

On Sunday, we had a picnic at a creek on the way up the mountain. Then we drove to the top of the mountain to look at the view. It's also where the Appalacian Trail comes through. Then we went to Ober Gatlinburg. We road the chair lifts all the way to the top. The view was so pretty. Then we road the alpine slides a few times and went to dinner. After that we were exhausted, it was so hot up there! I've only been one other time in the summer, we usually go in the winter. I wasn't expecting it to be so hot. So we woke up early Monday morning and drove back to Flotown so I could get to work by 2:30. That was my weekend, it was fun! I just tried to post pictures and it's not working. So tomorrow I will probably post a few pictures.

This coming up weekend, Lauren and I have to do a little presentation about missions to a bunch of GAs from a church here in Florence. They are having a retreat out in Cloverdale, so me and Lauren are going out there and doing a little missions time with them. I'm kind of nervous, cause we haven't prepared anything yet. So pray for us, hopefully it will go well.

Oh, and case no one's figured it out...all the links on the right side work now. So there is a link to all my photo albums on facebook for the non-facebookers.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quatro de Julio

So we had a very nice past few days at the river. It was very much needed after working 43 hours at the daycare last week. I dont mind working that many was just the shifts I had to work sucked! I had to work from 6:30am to 12:00 then 2:30-5:30 everyday. By the time I got home I was exhausted and ready to go to bed so I could get up at the crack of dawn the next morning. Fortunately, I should only have to work my regular 15 hours from here on out.

Friday night me and Jason headed to Birmingham so we would be ready Saturday morning to pick Lauren up in Oxford, AL. We got her Saturday morning and headed straight to the river. All kinds of people came out to play throughout the four days we were there: Jason, Amy J, Allison Hall, Leigh, Sarah, Naomi, Crystal, Kim, Caleb. We had lots of fun! Dad let us take the boat out by ourselves and everything. I guess he figures since we've been doing it the past 22 years, he could trust us to do it by ourselves. On the fourth, ALL of the family came out. I loved it. I love our family so much, they are crazy and completely retarded. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I have the cutest little (well most of them are not so little anymore) cousins around!! We had our firework show Tuesday night. It wasn't as much as usual, but atleast the guys didn't waste their money on crappy bottle rockets and roman candles. They only bought the big stuff this year. So it was still good! It was really sad to leave, we are hardly around Mom, Dad, and Kala for more than a day or two at a time anymore. So being with them for four days was really nice. I just love being at the river too. It's so nice to have absolutely nothing to do, no school work to be done weighing in the back of my mind. I could just lay out on a float or in the hammock all day! We used to take being out there for granted so much when we were younger. We just saw it as a place we HAD to go to every weekend, and as time away from hanging out with our friends in Huntsville. It's so nice to have that place to go to now, and get away from everything else. There's just something about the water. I have to live near water for the rest of my life I think. Whether it be a river, or the ocean (that'd be sweet!) or just a town with a river running through it would be good enough. Oh well, this is incredibly boring for everyone I'm sure, so I will end it with that!