Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quatro de Julio

So we had a very nice past few days at the river. It was very much needed after working 43 hours at the daycare last week. I dont mind working that many was just the shifts I had to work sucked! I had to work from 6:30am to 12:00 then 2:30-5:30 everyday. By the time I got home I was exhausted and ready to go to bed so I could get up at the crack of dawn the next morning. Fortunately, I should only have to work my regular 15 hours from here on out.

Friday night me and Jason headed to Birmingham so we would be ready Saturday morning to pick Lauren up in Oxford, AL. We got her Saturday morning and headed straight to the river. All kinds of people came out to play throughout the four days we were there: Jason, Amy J, Allison Hall, Leigh, Sarah, Naomi, Crystal, Kim, Caleb. We had lots of fun! Dad let us take the boat out by ourselves and everything. I guess he figures since we've been doing it the past 22 years, he could trust us to do it by ourselves. On the fourth, ALL of the family came out. I loved it. I love our family so much, they are crazy and completely retarded. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I think I have the cutest little (well most of them are not so little anymore) cousins around!! We had our firework show Tuesday night. It wasn't as much as usual, but atleast the guys didn't waste their money on crappy bottle rockets and roman candles. They only bought the big stuff this year. So it was still good! It was really sad to leave, we are hardly around Mom, Dad, and Kala for more than a day or two at a time anymore. So being with them for four days was really nice. I just love being at the river too. It's so nice to have absolutely nothing to do, no school work to be done weighing in the back of my mind. I could just lay out on a float or in the hammock all day! We used to take being out there for granted so much when we were younger. We just saw it as a place we HAD to go to every weekend, and as time away from hanging out with our friends in Huntsville. It's so nice to have that place to go to now, and get away from everything else. There's just something about the water. I have to live near water for the rest of my life I think. Whether it be a river, or the ocean (that'd be sweet!) or just a town with a river running through it would be good enough. Oh well, this is incredibly boring for everyone I'm sure, so I will end it with that!


megan stout said...

yay for the river and family and friends! :) miss ya!

megan stout said...

im gonna need you to post another entry pleaseeeeeee!