Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Heart Is Like A Marching Band

Well today is my little sister's birthday (well it was when I started this entry, it might not be once it is posted)! She is 15 now. I can't believe it! I dont know if she even reads this anymore, but I would like to take advantage of this day to brag on her a little. I am so, so proud of the young woman she has become. God got a hold of her a few years ago, and she hasn't been the same since. She is on fire for the Lord and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. I think she is awesome and I'm so proud to have her as a sister. I love you Kala!

I am so putting off finishing a presentation for tomorrow. Yep, I already have to give one. Three more to go! Woohoo, it's gonna be a fun semester. But hey, it's my last one (until grad school?? maybe??), so I think I can deal with it.

"The Well" started back last night. Let me tell ya, I needed it bad! I dont think I have ever been more excited to be there. I think it's gonna be an awesome semester for "The Well". Ed Newton is an awesome speaker, and Shane Baker is leading worship now, I liked it alot. I think God is going to reveal himself there in a big way this semester. Well, this is random and I am obviously I'll get back to my school work now.

Oh, But first! I read this during my quiet time today. It has stuck with me all day.
"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Things Are Sweeter in Tennessee

Well as the brilliant Billy Madison once sang:
"Back to school. Back to school, to prove to Dad that I'm not a fool. I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Ohhhh, back to school. Back to school. Back to school. Well, here goes nothing."

Yep, it's that time of year again. I just got out of my auditing class. I dont think it's gonna be bad as I was expecting. Business Policy tomorrow may be a different story though. I have a really good schedule as far as having to attend class. There's only 3 I have to go to, and then I am taking 2 online.

Last weekend I got to visit Jason in Nashville! You see, I love Megan so much that I took her to catch her flight to Michigan from Nashville. So, I stayed in Nashville til Sunday when she got back. How convenient. :) Jason and I had alot of fun. Friday I met him downtown for lunch, and then I went shopping while he went back to work. I helped my mom out by buying me alot of stuff for Christmas. How nice of me. ;) Friday night, we ate at Demo's downtown. I've tried to eat their several times before, but the wait has always been too long. This time it was fine. It was sooo good! Who knew spaghetti and steak were such a good combination? We walked around downtown for a bit then we went to the Opryland Hotel. We walked around all the gardens until our feet hurt so bad I could barely make it back to the car. Saturday we went shopping at the mall in Green Hills. This mall is super nice, it has a Louis Vuitton and Betsey Johnson and all kinds of cool stores I can't afford. Needless to say, we did alot more looking than we did shopping. Saturday night we cooked dinner at Jason's then we went to Centennial Park. Every Saturday night in the summer, they have a band and people can come ballroom dance in the park. We had so much fun! We missed the lesson beforehand, but luckily we took ballroom dancing lessons last spring, so we still kinda knew what we were doing. We weren't half bad!! We got to do swing, rhumba, waltz, and salsa...because we already knew those. We even attempted the polka!! That was quite funny!! After that we walked around the Parthenon and headed back downtown. We went to a karaoke place for awhile, it was alright. Then we went to Coyote Ugly. We all loved that movie in high school, so you know I had to check it out! It was fun, but not as exciting as the movie. Sunday I picked Megan up at the airport and headed back to Flo.

This week we've tried to hit up some Welcome Week activities. It's just not that exciting anymore. I guess cause I'm leaving in December, I dont want to make the effort and get attached to new people. Is that sad? Probably so. Oh well, I'm off to spend a small fortune on books and make the hike back to my car that is parked a mile away. Gotta love the first day of school!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Shake It Like a Polaroid Picture

Sisterly love. I've got some hot racoon eyes going on, thanks to my sunglasses.As my dad put it: "All the honey's on the boat". haha

Megan, Lauren, Kala, Harmony and Naomi Me and Megan
Joanna and Dorothy catchin' some rays.
Me and Megan again.

Yay. It finally worked. I'm just sitting here patiently waiting for "So You Think You Can Dance" to come on. Jessica is coming over to watch it. Travis better freakin win. She's pulling for Benji, but Travis is obviously the better choice! He's so cute, and he is much better technical dancer. Benji is just all show, cause he's a good performer. I like him too though, Travis just deserves to win. There is no genre he can't do! My girl, Allison, got kicked off a few weeks ago, so i dont really care about the girls anymore.

I have to go to work early at the daycare tomorrow. Boo! But they needed extra help, so Lauren is gonna take my usual shift. So we will get to work together, that should be funny!!

I need to get my hair cut. It is getting disgustingly long. ohhh. I think I am going to see "Talledega Nights" tonight. Yay!! I hope it's as funny as it looks like it is. I'm afraid it may be one of those movies that just has all the funny parts in the preview. But I've heard good things about it. Well that's it for now. We helped Amy move stuff in all day, so I think I'm gonna go relax before Jessica gets here.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Snap Yo Fingers

I feel like it is pointless to update this thing since Megan is home now and will pretty much know my every move. I'm sure my mom will still read it though. The last few weeks have been fun. I've gotten alot of girl time in since Jason is in the process of moving. I was worried about not having anyone to hang out with since he's gone, and Lauren works every night, and no one is really in town, but I've had plenty of stuff to do. It's been great! Well not great that he is gone, but ya know. ;)

This weekend was fun. The girlies from high school (plus Megan) came to the river. Man I love them. I'm sure we bored Megan to death with all our high school gossip and reminising. Sorry!! It happens everytime we are all together. Then we went back to Huntsville. Call me crazy, but I miss Huntsville! Live in Florence for awhile, you will learn to appreciate it. Sunday we watched "High School Musical" with Kala. It was so cute!! I really want the soundtrack. Then me, Lauren, Joanna, and Harmony went and watched "The Devil Wears Prada". It was cute too.

A verse we studied in Sunday School this week really stuck out to me.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. - Colossians 3:23

Thats a good one, huh? Yep. I think I would do things a whole lot differently everyday, if I constantly kept that verse in my head. Well, I just tried to load pictures on here and once again it wouldn't work. Maybe tomorrow. Amy J moved into our apt. complex today. So now I'm off to help Amy J organize her apartment and maybe paint some too!