Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Snap Yo Fingers

I feel like it is pointless to update this thing since Megan is home now and will pretty much know my every move. I'm sure my mom will still read it though. The last few weeks have been fun. I've gotten alot of girl time in since Jason is in the process of moving. I was worried about not having anyone to hang out with since he's gone, and Lauren works every night, and no one is really in town, but I've had plenty of stuff to do. It's been great! Well not great that he is gone, but ya know. ;)

This weekend was fun. The girlies from high school (plus Megan) came to the river. Man I love them. I'm sure we bored Megan to death with all our high school gossip and reminising. Sorry!! It happens everytime we are all together. Then we went back to Huntsville. Call me crazy, but I miss Huntsville! Live in Florence for awhile, you will learn to appreciate it. Sunday we watched "High School Musical" with Kala. It was so cute!! I really want the soundtrack. Then me, Lauren, Joanna, and Harmony went and watched "The Devil Wears Prada". It was cute too.

A verse we studied in Sunday School this week really stuck out to me.
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. - Colossians 3:23

Thats a good one, huh? Yep. I think I would do things a whole lot differently everyday, if I constantly kept that verse in my head. Well, I just tried to load pictures on here and once again it wouldn't work. Maybe tomorrow. Amy J moved into our apt. complex today. So now I'm off to help Amy J organize her apartment and maybe paint some too!

1 comment:

megan stout said...

lindsey!!!!! i was looking for that verse earlier! God is so cool.