Monday, June 19, 2006

Home Sweet Home

Yay! We are home now. It was so sad leaving, but it definately feels good to be home. Well 4 of my kids accepted Christ during camp!! Woohoo! It definately made all the preparation worth it. In all of camp, I think there was a total of 31 decisions made to follow Christ. Good Stuff! That was the highlight of the last week I guess. Kayla Sanders stopped by Friday night cause her and her family were down there! It was nice to see our other mom for a little while. I cant really think of anything else extremely exciting to write about. I definately left part of my heart down there though. It's so crazy how out of all the places, God sends us to serve him at a location that's already so close to my heart and full of so many memories. It's a place where we've taken family vacations, trips with friends, and my first visit to the emergency room! I wouldn't have had it any other way. I love it down there. I think the part I enjoyed the most was getting to know the people in the church. They are mostly all retired, but they each have so many interesting stories about their lives and experiences. It's been cool to hear alot of them. It makes me feel better about getting old. I'm going to be cool like them! Well I guess I will post just a few pictures from camp.

This is my baby daddy Derrick, me, and our baby D.J.:

This is my third grade class and my helper Meagan:

This is the closest to a group picture we took. There's still alot of people missing though:

Me and Abby. She was the sweetest!!

Me, Amber, and Lauren on the beach one night:

I guess that's enough pictures for now. As soon as we got back to Florence, we went to Beef and Shelley's wedding. It was so pretty. Very much them. Her dress was perfect! I cried through all 15 minutes of the ceremony. (It was really short)! I really dont think I have ever been more genuinely happy for a couple, as I am for them. I'm so happy for them!! Then on Sunday we went to Huntsville to see dad for Father's Day. Oh and Mom had her surgery last Thursday. So keep her in your prayers. The recovery will be a long one!


megan stout said...

yay pictures! :) thats awesome about the kids accepting Christ!!!! miss ya!

megan stout said...

ahh you made yours cute. how ever do you do it??? and howd you change those links?? i suck at the world wide web ;) yesterday me and leah saw all of san fran except we couldnt find the stinkin full house houses but anyways, you guys would love it. so, after having thought about it for several minutes ive come to the conculsion that you need to fly out here and visit. ;)