Sunday, June 04, 2006

That's What's Up!

Well I know my admiring fans (mom) have been waiting on an update, so they will know what I have been doing this past week. It's been crazy. We worked way too late everynight. But we did get Friday and Saturday off, so of course it was spent at the beach and shopping at the outlets!! We did manage to squeeze in a movie though. We went and saw "Over The Hedge" at the new Rave theater. It was really funny. It pretty much just joked on Americans and suburbia. It was so cute, and the soundtrack was good cause every song was done by Ben Folds. That was kind of surprising. This week I also became a wife and mother, to Mr. Derrick Fields, a 330 lb football player from Mississippi College! To some, our son D.J. (Derrick Junior) might appear to be a forgotten about VBS room with some crooked logs and a crappy decorating job...But he is our baby and our pride of joy! Well O.B. Outfitters starts tomorrow, and I must say I'm getting nervous. I still have a lot of work to do tonight to make sure everything is set to go at 8:00 am. Try shopping for ingredients to make sugar cookies from scratch for 100 kids at a Wal-mart full of vacationers. Not fun!! This last week has been frustrating, I dont think we all agree on the importance of decorations. I'm all for decorations, dont get me wrong. But sometimes it just seems too big of an emphasis has been put on that. I guess it's just discouraging that we have been here for two full weeks yet, and haven't ministered to any kids. Which is the real reason we are here! But hey, we knew what we were getting ourselves into (sort of). Plus, we are building relationships with alot of awesome college students! The Illinois group got here today and their youth minister is going to be leading a bible discussion every night for all of the college kids that are here. That should be a good time and a good way to get to know everyone better and everyone's opinions on different topics. All 3 of you who read this, be sure to keep camp in your prayers for the next two weeks. Pray that we all keep our spirits high and that the kids will be able to see Christ in us. I'll end with the motto for OB Outfitters this year.

Joshua 1:9 - Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

1 comment:

megan stout said...

lindseeeeeeeeeeey!!! arent you glad i leave you comments? i am. i wish you would write more often so i could know every single thing you are doing. ;) dont get discouraged about the decorations--they will make it so the kids will have a better experience--yay! i guess by now you are 2 days into vbs--hope its going well! this is a long comment eh? its b/c i havent talked to you in a loooooong time and im really bored. by the way--any news on the electric bill? i need to pay that mrs franklin delanor roosevelt! hahahaha!! i love you!!!