Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Heart Is Like A Marching Band

Well today is my little sister's birthday (well it was when I started this entry, it might not be once it is posted)! She is 15 now. I can't believe it! I dont know if she even reads this anymore, but I would like to take advantage of this day to brag on her a little. I am so, so proud of the young woman she has become. God got a hold of her a few years ago, and she hasn't been the same since. She is on fire for the Lord and doesn't care what anyone else thinks. I think she is awesome and I'm so proud to have her as a sister. I love you Kala!

I am so putting off finishing a presentation for tomorrow. Yep, I already have to give one. Three more to go! Woohoo, it's gonna be a fun semester. But hey, it's my last one (until grad school?? maybe??), so I think I can deal with it.

"The Well" started back last night. Let me tell ya, I needed it bad! I dont think I have ever been more excited to be there. I think it's gonna be an awesome semester for "The Well". Ed Newton is an awesome speaker, and Shane Baker is leading worship now, I liked it alot. I think God is going to reveal himself there in a big way this semester. Well, this is random and I am obviously I'll get back to my school work now.

Oh, But first! I read this during my quiet time today. It has stuck with me all day.
"For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love and of sound mind." - 2 Timothy 1:7


michellemitch said...

you know, I never ever knew that you had a younger sister... and how long have we known y'all - at least 3 years? amazing. :)

megan stout said...

lindsey, i love you.

megan stout said...

update please!!!! ;)